Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Should have quit while all was well...

I had made two batches of soap earlier today...and I think they look like they are coming along great.

In my soapy loving mood...I said why not go for batch 3 today...

BAD IDEA!!! I should know not to soap late at night...

Made the same exact recipe as I did earlier (that came out great)...and all was going well until I added my FO (Banana from Sweetcakes)...I now know what "seizing" is....aaarrrggghhh!!!

I am going to go to bed...and see if this turns into soap during the night....maybe it will have been a soapy nightmare.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that's too bad! Just try to do like they said on the forum and hopefully it can be salvaged.


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