Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My Tribute to Fall

My tribute to fall this year, has been working on this adorable scarecrow and these pumpkins.  Both projects which I turned in as homework assignments for the HPKCHC class assignments on Ravelry.  The scarecrow was for my Herbology assignment.  The assignment was as follows:
This month’s project revolves around the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Garden Pests (and helpers). A garden does not exist in a vacuum and a good herbologist has learned how to keep unwanted visitors away from their precious gurdyroot, puffapods, and screechsnap. KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!! Your task is to create something that identifies a garden pest, demonstrates a way to prevent pests, or aid you in getting rid of said pests. Your post should contain what pest/helper you’re after, why it’s a pest/helper, and how your project relates to it. And of course - PICS!
The pumpkins were for my Defense Against the Dark Arts (DADA) assignment, which was as follows:
Welcome to our first class on Necromancy!

In honor of Halloween this month, let’s focus on the connection points between the worlds of the living and the dead. To complete this month’s assignment, make something that is inspired by: 1) an historical figure that is now deceased 2) an undead creature (zombie, vampire, skeleton, ghost, etc.), or 3) both (now would be the time to make that Zombie Abe Lincoln) Bonus points, as always, for house colors or making me laugh.
Note: Projects may be inspired by a deceased historical figure or undead creature. They don’t have to be actual representations of them.
And since I had such a good time putting together the research for this project I have to include it here as well :-)

sandyvern, 2nd year Hufflepuff, turning in my assignment.

My assignment is based on The Great pumpkin , who is an unseen character in the Muggle comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz

The Great pumpkin is a holiday figure (comparable to Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny) that seems to exist only in the imagination of Linus van Pelt. Every year, Linus sits in a pumpkin patch (apparently the same one every year, though one year he and Snoopy were caught on a privately owned pumpkin patch, and perceived by the owner’s daughter as crazy) on Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin to appear. Invariably, the Great Pumpkin fails to appear, and a humiliated but undefeated Linus vows to wait for him again the following Halloween.

According to Linus, on Halloween night, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch he deems the most “sincere”. The Great Pumpkin then flies through the air to deliver toys to all the good little children in the world. Apparently, one can cause the Great Pumpkin to pass him or her by merely saying “if he comes”, as opposed to “when he comes”. This could mean that the Great Pumpkin is likely to pass by anyone who doubts his existence.

The Difference Between The Great pumpkin and Santa Claus
According to Linus, when writing to the Great Pumpkin , you don’t ask him to bring you anything specific: you wait for whatever he brings you. In this way, Linus states a difference between the Great Pumpkin and Santa Claus (children writing to Santa include in their letters lists of exactly what they want). Also, Linus states that Santa gives away toys because it’s his job and it’s expected of him, whereas the Great Pumpkin gives away toys because he feels he is fulfilling a moral obligation.

My research facts comes from Wikipedia, but my original inspiration was from my childhood memories of watching the animated special of It’s the Great Pumpkin , Charlie Brown every year during the Halloween season (way before you could buy copies of it on video or dvd to watch whenever you wanted)

Beautiful Fall!

I have been meaning to add a post mentioning how beautiful it has been this fall!  I keep finding myself saying "oh, how pretty!" while driving around during the day.  I can't imagine living in an area where the leaves don't change in the fall.  Fall is my favorite time of year.  All seasons have there moments when things are so pretty...but for me I think fall is the best.  And this year in particular, I think the colors have been great.  I spend lots of time driving around...whethter it is going to different houses to take care of animals or driving around my friend's daughter, who I usually take to school and pick her up, as well as take her to the barn.  So I spend lots of time in the car.  And I am sure Isobel is tired of hearing me say, "oh, how pretty!"  Even on rainy days (which we have had plenty of) the colors are so vibrant....lots of reds, yellows and oranges...and even pink!  Yesterday, while driving to the barn, on a couple of the little back roads that we go on, there were these bushes (have no idea what they are) but about 4 or 5' high and quite a lot of them (at least on one particular road) that I couldn't help notice the pinkness of both sides of the pretty! :-) 

I love to drive on little roads where the tree branches over hang the road so that it feels like you are driving in a tunnel of color....always makes me smile.  And to be fair, I enjoy it just as much in the spring time...after a long winter of bare tree branches, when the leaves start coming out and filling is a tunnel of green-ness and shade.  And then there are the trees that are in the process of turning...where some of the leaves are still green and some are turning yellow and some orange...such pretty blending of the colors.  You can't help but think that God is such a wonderful artist with all these colors around :-)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

As usual, it has been awhile since I last posted.  That doesn't necessarily mean I have nothing to post about...just means I have no discipline and can't seem to get myself to post :-)

Anyway...let's see...I have been busy dog sitting...I think I mentioned last post that I was dog sitting for a customer/friend who has 7 Jack Russells.  And that actually took a good portion of my time this month...I think I dog sat for her just under 2 weeks (YIKES!!!) and even sat for them again just yesterday.  Thankfully it was just for the day.  Sadly, I have spent so much time with them that I almost think it isn't that crazy anymore (ALMOST).  They are all very cute...and all have very distinct personalities...and are just all very funny most of the time.  Course, then there is the obnoxious barking at the door everytime they want to go out and I am quickly reminded of the insanity!

I have also been knitting (of course)...been working on a baby sweater for a friend of mine that just had her second baby boy.  And got it in my head to make a scarecrow for one of the HP classes on Ravelry....which I have finally put together yesterday.  He isn't quite done, I have few finishing touches to add...but he is really cute!!  Also made a couple of pumpkins that I will probably use for a class as well.  I would probably get more accomplished if I didn't have so many projects going at once...but I get easily distracted and can't help starting another project before I finish others.

Ok....well....headed to the park for a walk....enjoying the fall weather....will finish later....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009's been awhile....

Let's see...what have I been up to...

Another month of classes has finished at HPKCHC and I ended up turning in more projects than I thought I would at the beginning of the semester.

This kitten washcloth I turned in for my Herbology assignment. 

For knitters and crocheters: Your yarn must be 50% or more from plant origin, ie. bamboo, cotton, hemp, corn. Post must contain brand and fiber content, picture of finished object, and a description of what it was like to work with and how it affects the project. Points awarded based on complexity of project, wit, originality, and evilness. (Trying to bring the evilness into Herbology. Not as easy as it seems, folks, short of having everyone knit with Devil’s Snare…)

This was also part of my package to my swapee in a "Handmade Washcloth and Soap Swap" as well.

This hat was dual purpose.  It was originally for a knit-a-long (KAL) for the Harry Potter Crafters group on Ravlery   It is 'The Practical Animal Crackers Hat' pattern, which is based on Ron Weasley’s hat from the Animal Cracker scene in the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban movie, knit to be more practical for winter wear.  With my choice of colors.  But as luck would have it the assignment for Potion was:

Pepperup Potion - Cures the common cold. You can identify someone who has recently taken this potion by the distinctive steam coming out of their ears for several hours after drinking it. But demand has been heavier than usual this year, and supplies of Pepperup Potion are short. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Knit, crochet, or sew something to keep somebody warm.

And since I will be wearing this in an attempt to stay warm this winter while walking fit as my Potions class assignment as well :-)

Let's not forget about these adorable reducio socks, which I used as my Defenese Against the Dark Arts (DADA) assignment....which was "What I Fought on my Summer Holidays"

There was also turning in 33% of my Arithmancy O.W.L. project.  Which I will have to post later as the finished objects will be part of my Yule gifts to friends and family.  So...overall was another productive month at HPKCHC.  I will update later about this month's assignments...and post pics of my great Reducio Swap package....

And of course, it hasn't been all knitting, all the time...there has been lots of pet sitting...the 7 Jack Russells tend to take up much of my time (which I actually need to go and check on as we speak/type)...and to outing to The Big E (always great fun!)...but alas...I hear the russells calling.....